AVCHD Konverter ONLINE !!!!

  • AVCHD noch nicht mit PAL kompatibel ? Letzte Zeile beachten, wer eine Cam. hat bitte prüfen!

    * About Canopus AVCHD converter

    "Canopus AVCHD converter", the image which is recorded with the up-to-date AVCHD cam coder, the nonlinear video compilation software "EDIUS Pro version 4 which" has the introduction result many in high ended image production market such as broadcasting station and, is core technology of entry model "EDIUS 3 for HDV", in by the fact that the file it converts "Canopus HQ Codec", it is the solution which actualizes light compilation on those nonlinear video compilation software.

    As for the hi-vision camera of AVCHD which recently, increases the speed of spread suddenly, correspondence to soft record media such as SD memory and DVD and hard disk is big merit.
    But, while data capacity is small, when it handles with video compilation, enormous computing being necessary, light compilation job assumed that you cannot desire. "Canopus AVCHD converter" to by the fact that it converts "Canopus HQ Codec", "EDIUS Pro version 4" at makes that comfortable image compilation is done "the EDIUS 3 for HDV" top possible high picture quality without impairing the image of AVCHD.

    About Canopus HQ Codec
    * About AVCHD
    It is standard in order Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. and SONY developed jointly, to record the hi-vision signal to memory card /DVD/HDD. MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 system is adopted to image compression, high pressure reduction ratio high picture quality treble quality with merit, Canopus has connected name at approval enterprise.
    * Hardware requirement
    EDIUS Pro version 4, EDIUS the PC environment where 3 for HDV or EDIUS Pro 3 is installed
    * With the environment where no this corporation software product is installed it does not operate.
    * Recommendation hardware requirement "EDIUS Pro version 4" HD "of EDIUS 3 for HDV" (hi-vision) conforms to the hardware requirement of compilation.
    * When the above-mentioned condition has been satisfied, it is not something which operation preservation is proven.

    Escape notice
    When image of the AVCHD type which photographed with the AVCHD video camera is taken in, please utilize the application which belongs to the video camera.
    The reverse engineering, do not do デコンパイル in this software.
    Does not do with either case, the Canopus corporation either the guarantee of what that in this software by any chance bug other problems occurred.
    With the utilization of this software, the Canopus corporation does not owe the responsibility altogether even with when by any chance hindrance occurs in the data and the like.
    Because of the gratuitous offer software, it is outside the support object.
    The above-mentioned other things, in regard to the utilization of this software, the Canopus corporation does not owe the responsibility altogether even with when a some damage occurs in you.
    It is not yet correspondence in PAL system. The file conversion of PAL does not operate normally.

  • ist nichts offizielles, nur für japan.... für "absolutely gamer" und sonstige Neugierige:

    besser auf Testpartition installiern ..... dann kommst zu zum>> .pdf
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    The installation method of Canopus AVCHD converter is stated in this HTML file of the Canopus AVCHD converter installation methodological Canopus corporation. At the time of installation, well to read it receives, this file the fish you say to ask. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the one which you use with hardware requirement EDIUS of main software of contents of this document Pro version 4 before the installation installation methodological copyright, registered trade mark and trade mark -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware requirement of this software As for this software, EDIUS Pro version 4 (*), with PC where EDIUS Pro3 and EDIUS 3 for HDV are installed, it operates with the environment which satisfies the condition where at the same time it can compile HD resolution with each software. * Update, and the USB key to after Ver.4.10 are necessary. To the one which you use with EDIUS Pro version 4 When with EDIUS Pro version 4 you use this software, please verify the next section below. 1. It cannot use with the version which is older than verification EDIUS of version Pro version 4 Ver.4.10. To verify the version which presently is installed with method below, when the version which presently has been used is older than Ver.4.10, clicking here, after downloading and installing EDIUS Pro version 4 rise data Ver.4.10, please install this software. - The method of verifying the version of EDIUS Pro version 4 which presently is installed [start] -> [all programs] -> [Canopus] -> [EDIUS] -> [it selects in order of release note]. When the picture “of Canopus EDIUS Readme” is indicated, Japanese inside the picture is clicked. Because release note is indicated, the version number which is indicated on the right is verified. When the USB key which belongs to the connection EDIUS of the 2.USB key Pro version 4 is connected to the USB port of PC please use (it cannot use this software when the USB key is not connected). Before the installation Before installing this software, please verify the item below. - Before doing the verification installation job of user name, logging on with the user name which has the authority of Administrator or Administrator, please do job. Installation and use method Setup inside this folder (.exe) double it clicks. Because the installation program starts, following to message, please do installation. As for details and usage of installation method the CanopusAVCHDconverter operation guide inside this folder (.pdf) please read. Copyright, registered trade mark and trade mark Copyright of this software reverts to the Canopus corporation. AVCHD and AVCHD logograph are trade mark of the Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. corporation and the SONY corporation. Canopus, CANOPUS/Canopus and its logograph are registered trade mark of the Canopus corporation. As for Microsoft and Windows, it is the registered trade mark in the United States and other countries of the United States Microsoft Corporation. Other trade names are trade mark or registered trade mark of each company.

  • Hallo !

    It is not yet correspondence in PAL system. The file conversion of PAL does not operate normally.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen ,

    Carsten Becker

    Was woas i was des is des woas koaner
    aber sicher wieder was von die Japaner...

    In Art. 5 Abs. 1 und 2 des Grundgesetzes heißt es:
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    Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.

  • Also das verstehe ich nicht. Warum redet ihr von PAL und NTSC? Das müsste doch in den HQ-Codec von Canopus gewandelt werden und demzufolge müsste auch ein HD-Video rauskommen.

    Für mich wichtig: Lässt sich das bearbeitete Video mit dem avchd-converter wieder zurück in AVCHD konvertieren, um die fertige Datei zurück auf die Kamera zu übertragen? - Mein Ziel: Das fertig geschnittene Video direkt von der Kamera abspielen zu lassen, etwa über einen großen Bildschirm oder Beamer (über HDMI oder Componenten)

    Geht das?

  • Oje, da hat Canopus nur halbe Arbeit geleistet. Schade, ich dachte schon, dass ich mir die ACVHD-Kamera kaufen kann, um die Dateien mit Edius bearbeiten zu können.

    Solange das 50i - 60i Problem besteht und solange man CanopusHQ nicht in ACVHD zurückkonvertieren kann, werde ich meiner Finger davon lassen.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Pal Variante wird in kürze fertig sein.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Stephan Kexel
    Grass Valley

    Hinweis: Dies ist kein Support Forum der Firma Grass Valley. Unsere Mitarbeiter schauen zwar immer wieder hier hinein, wir können aber keine Support hier garantieren. Benötigen Sie Support, dann kontaktieren Sie den Grass Valley Support Center unter Tel. 02602-1069-100, Fax. 02602-1069-169 oder
    per e-mail canopus.support-de@Thomson.net .

  • Hallo Herr Kexel,

    das klingt ja schon mal gut.

    Ist es denn zukünftig möglich, mit dem Procoder avchd in canopusHQ zu konvertieren (und umgekehrt)? Dürfen Sie dazu etwas sagen?
    Denn eigentlich hätte man ja statt diesem Extra-AVCHD-Konvertierungs-Tool auch ein Update für Procoder Express herausbringen können. Was meinen Sie?


  • Ist es so schwierig, den NTSC-AVCHD Konverter ins Pal System umzuschreiben....
    Vor 4 Wochen wurde die NTSC Variante veröffentlicht, wann kommen bitte endlich auch die "PAL-Kunden" in den Genuß des Konverters?
    Muss zur Zeit noch immer auf die Elecard Variante ausweichen...

  • Hallo,
    habe einen Workaround mir zurecht gelegt, damit ich nun AVCHD Dateien nun mit Edius 4.13 schneiden kann:

    1) Von Mainconcept die neue Version MpegPro HD 2.01 downloaden (Demo Version) und ins Premiere Pro 2.0 installieren

    2) Danach sind die AVCHD Dateien in Premiere Pro 2 öffenbar und zu Cutten

    3) Dateien von der Timeline aus exportieren als Canopus HD HQ Avi Loseless

    4) Diese kann man nun in Edius 4.13 Cutten :schal:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Es soll mit dem Canopus Konverter in PAL wirklich nur noch ein paar Tage dauern.

  • .......drübergestolpert ..... :schal:

    There's a rumor over on DVinfo that Canopus has released an AVCHD to Canopus HQ converter for registered Edius owners - is that true or is it a mixup with the PC3 announcement?

    It's true, and it was up for a bit, but I had to take it down - newer version coming later this week. (that's the plan)

    Kenneally Harder
    Grass Valley

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